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indulge in energy healing



Treat yourself to self-love and bring yourself back to balance through physical and energetic crystal entrainment. In your crystal healing session, we’ll remove any emotional and energetic blocks, while allowing for profound soul learning, healing, and spiritual growth. 


60min $120 

90min. $170


Full Chakra Recalibration

This highly intuitive session combines a variety of tools to assess your energy centers, then restores your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body accordingly. Engage in this powerful experience on a relaxing crystal journey to cleanse + balance chakra centers while bringing your entire subtle energy system into a state of harmony and bliss.


60min $120 

90min. $170



Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on of hands,” and is based on the idea that an unseen “spiritually guided life force energy” flows through us. It is a simple, natural, and safe method of spiritual healing and self improvement. 


30min. $60

60min $110 

90min. $160


enhance your experience

Guided Healing Journey $6 * Sage Burning Ceremony $6 * Integration $40

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