Heulandite is a member of the Zeolite family. This mineral was first discovered by August Breithaupt in 1818. Four years later, in 1822, heulandite was officially "re"discovered by H.J. Brooke. This mineral crystallizes in the form of masses and grains, as well as forming in the shape of small rhombic crystals, most often found ontop of a matrix. Heulandite can occur in a variety of different colors.
Heulandite Specimen
Unlock your heart's essence of gratitude. Master this by taking time each and every day to look for and acknowledge the beauty that surrounds you. Allowing your appreciation for life to blossom will grow the light within you.
Love life, SHINE ON, and be an inspiration to others!
💗 With Love , Alicia + Heulandite
This message comes with love and wisdom from the Crystal Deva - Hiddenite, Gratitude